Build a Legacy: By Buying Real Estate

Build A Legacy The Buyer's Journey

Build a Legacy: By Buying Real Estate

Understanding the buyer’s journey of investing in real estate is one thing. Overcoming the fear and hurdles is another. This is why we do what we do. We bring the experts together to educate, inspire, and encourage you to “take the leap”, which is exactly what our latest Build A Legacy: The Buyer’s Journey was all about.

Our remarkable panelists which included Portia M. Wood, Esq., Bonita Grant, Vanessa Heatley, Veronica Montalvo, and Marcus Fields delivered the message that you just have to get in the game.

What Does Legacy Mean?

As with every panel discussion, the nuggets of wisdom were priceless. Building and leaving a legacy is such a deep and personal story for everyone, but somehow ties everyone together.

The passion was evident as each described what legacy meant to them, and shared their stories and hopes of passing the commitment to generational wealth onto their families and communities. Two common threads stood out throughout the discussion, the need for financial literacy, and the mind set that you have to take that leap of faith.

Real Estate - The Buyer's Journey

“It was a normal thing when I was growing up to talk about purchasing real estate” ~ Vanessa Heatley stated. This statement sparked a discussion on getting to the route of real estate and building generational wealth.

For many of us, the concept of land ownership and owning real estate seems unattainable. However, what it truly comes down to is having the knowledge, faith, and belief that you are deserving.

As Bonita share the story of her studying her “rich uncle”, and Marcus shared his story about the drive he inherited from his family, the conclusion was reached. Seek out the experts that have the information, experience, and willingness to help you fulfill your dreams!

And when it gets hard, and it will sometimes, remember that “Not all storms come to destroy, some come to clear a path” ~ Veronica Montalvo

If you missed the live event, you can watch it on the Luxury + Legacy YouTube channel here. The positivity shared was truly inspiring!



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