Build A Legacy + Generational Wealth

Build A Legacy + Generational Wealth: The Series Introduction

A huge part of our mission is to educate and guide you on the journey to build a legacy and generational wealth, leaving assets, resources, and family values to your heirs.  But Why?

In recent months, there has been a lot of chatter on social media about generational wealth, and having the ability to leave something behind.  But Why?

Generational wealth, by definition,  is the ability to pass down assets including cash, investments, stocks, property, and even businesses to your children. In clear terms, it means to leave an inheritance for future generations of your family.

While most of the chatter tends to speak about one form of wealth building, a holistic approach that includes financial education, estate planning, and most importantly, family memories and values, is what most people need.

When we talk about building a legacy, we are referring to not only assets or cash that will surpass your retirement, but stories, memories, recipes, as well as businesses and intellectual property.

Being strategic with your finances and investments, earning what you are worth in your career, estate planning education, starting a business, a creating a structure to hold family memories, can all help you achieve your goals.

Build A Legacy + Generational Wealth: The 3-Part Series

Luxury + Legacy is happy to announce a 3-part series, beginning in April, that we hope will educate you on the various ways you can build a legacy and generational wealth for your family.

Part 1 | Building A Legacy: Real Estate Buying, selling and investing in real estate is by far one of the easiest ways to pass wealth for generations to come.  This includes purchasing single or multifamily properties to lease, purchasing and leasing land, commercial properties, short term rentals and so much more.  Join us as we introduce those who’ve seen success in this space.

Part 2 | Building A Legacy: Estate Planning Education There is so much talk about building wealth, but what about keeping it?  Do you have an estate plan, a living will, a trust?  You would be surprised how much of our hard earned wealth ends up lost in probate, ends up paid to the government, or costs us tons of money to keep in the family, because we failed to prepare.  Join us and our panel of estate attorneys as we break down all things estate planning.

Part 3 | Building A Legacy: Credit Matters This part of the series is dedicated to a question that floods my inbox regularly. How does my credit help or hurt me while I build my legacy?  Do I need to work on my credit?  Any tips to build and establish my credit in a great place?  Join us as we feature credit experts.

In each installment, we’ll guide you through the process of building a legacy for future generations, and educate you along the way.  


Build A Legacy - Build Generational Wealth

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